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Participants 2091
Meetings 18

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Welcome to iSEC !

iSEC is West Balkan Security Event gathering security professionals at High Tech Security Solutions in Public & Private sector. Key words: SECURITY, ICT INFORMATION SECURITY, SMART HOUSE, TOTAL BUILDING SOLUTION, INTEGRATION SECURITY and AUTOMATION. B2B event provided last year visitors from 19 countries. iSEC is going to be held under the auspices of the Ministry of interior of the Republic of Serbia and is supported by Serbian Chamber of Commerce: Association for Private Security, Association of Information Technology, The Serbian Society for Information Technology, the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, Security Associations local and regional...

Highlights: HIGH TECHNOLOGY in PUBLIC and PRIVATE SECURITY. City and Traffic Video surveillance. Critical public infrastructure security. State Border Control and Monitoring. Airport security. Security of state institution of higher risk The TOTAL BUILDING SOLUTIONS-THE SMART BULDING CONCEPT. CORPORATE AND INDUSTRIAL SECURITY. Financial institutions security. Telecommunications infrastructure security. High risk Industry Security. Energy Industrial Security. Critical public Communal Infrastructure security. Thermal Imaging systems. INFORMATION SECURITY AND DATA MANAGEMENT(sBit).. Cyber crime prevention. Card forum.. Internet and Social Networks Security. "Cloud" Security. Mobile Technology Security.... Exhibit range of products: - SECURITY SYSTEMS and EQUIPMENT- CCTV, IP, analog, HD, Intruder alarm, Remote monitoring, Access control, Time attendance, Emergency lighting, Public audio loudspeaker, GPS tracking. - TOTAL BUILDING SOLUTIONS and THE SMART BUILDING CONCEPT - PUBLIC SECURITY SYSTEMS and TRAFFIC SECURITY - ICT SECURITY & DATA MANAGEMENT (sBIT). Conference Event Programm: Security Workshop -iSEC Know How and Information Security Workshop -sBIT.

Keywords: Security Exhibition, Security Workshop, Security Conference, Total building solutions, Smart house concept, Information security, CCTV, Thermoimaging, Intruder alarm, Access Control, IT Security, Cyber crime prevention, Cloud Security, Internet Security

Intended For: Security manufacturers,importers, security distributors, installers, system integrators, End Users-decision makers and procurement specialists, State public security authorities, project engineers, Contractors, IT specialists, System administrators, Corporative security managers

******Exhibitors data from exhibitions on exhibition web portal www.isec-expo.rs were provided by official appl.forms and catalogues and by Exhibitors themselves and are located under link Participants. The data were entered with great attention and care, but we can not guarantee that all the data were correctly entered, meaning that technical non-intentional errors are possiblle, so we do not accept any responsability in relation to this. All registered participants, including Exhibitors can edit their own profiles after Login.  Since B2B is about Networking, Exhibitors name, position in company,  company name and business fields, and coop.profiles will be avaliable to all website guests and registered B2B participants. And vice versa, Exhibitors could search profiles of other registered Exhibitors as well as registered Visitors. Participants after Login could easily change profile data. If password is forgotten, participants could reset password automatically under "Can't access your account?" More info under B2B menu.

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