Politika privatnosti
Politika privatnosti objašnjava kako mi koristimo vaše lične podatke koje dostavljate tokom procedure registracije. Vaše podatke nećemo prodavati ili distribuirati. Vašu privatnost shvatamo ozbiljno i preduzećemo mere da zaštitimo takve podatke.
Kada se registrujete na portal, vaši podaci koje ste uneli u registracionu formu neće biti dostupni preko web-a, osim podataka o Vašem imenu i prezimenu,poziciji, firmi i oblasti Vašeg poslovanja i Vašoj ponudi/tražnji. Imajući u vidu da je jedan od ciljeva sajma povezivanje b2b učesnika, saglasni ste da će Vaši podaci koji ste uneli u registracionu formu a odnose se na Vaše ime i prezime,poziciju, firmu i oblast Vašeg poslovanja i Vašu ponudu/tražnju biti dostupni preko portala svim gostima na portalu i svim drugim registrovanim b2b učesnicima koji će moći da Vam upute poziv za b2b sastanak na sajmu. To znači da, ukoliko ste posetilac, moći ćete da ostvarite kontakt sa izlagačima, a ako ste izlagač - i sa posetiocima i sa izlagačima.
Privacy Policy
This policy covers how we use your personal information you submit during the regsitration procedure. We will not sell or redistribute it to anyone. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect such information.
Understanding that B2B Conference is about Networking, you agree that your name, position in company, company name and your business fields, and coop.profiles will be avaliable to all website guests and registered B2B participants, and that other registered B2B participants can send you meeting requests for B2B sessions. If you are a Visitor, you could communicate to Exhibitors, or if you are an Exhibitor, you could communicate with Visitors as well as other Exhibitors.
By using this Portal you are accepting these Terms and Conditions. Since confirmed registration on this Portal enables you free access to the Fair, you are fully responsible for the data submitted in the registration form as accurate. Also, for the purpose of business networking you are accepting to get information of Belgrade Fair events.